Dear members of the Law and Economics community in Asia and beyond,
I’m writing this e-mail to deliver an excellent piece of news for the Asian Law and Economics Association as well as for the Law and Economics community in general.
It has just been determined that the Asian Journal of Law and Economics will be listed on Scopus!
It was made possible owing to the hard and diligent work of Professor Jeong-Yoo Kim, Editor-in-Chief. Kudos to Jeong-Yoo!!
Set forth below is the message from the Scopus team.
Please visit the Journal homepage and peruse what has been published.
Please spread the news, and encourage submissions!
Journal URL:
Best regards,
Haksoo Ko
President, Asian Law and Economics Association
Professor, Seoul National University School of Law
ISSN / E-ISSN: / 2154-4611
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
Dear Prof. Jeong-Yoo Kim,
The title mentioned above has been evaluated for inclusion in Scopus by the Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). The review of this title is now complete and the CSAB has advised that the title will be accepted for inclusion in Scopus.
In general, all recently accepted titles will be listed separately in the
Scopus Title list within 1 month after acceptance, see the second tab ‘Accepted titles’. If you can’t find your title there, please check the tab ‘Scopus sources’.Our Source Collection Management department will contact the publisher of this title within the next three months to initiate the indexing process for Scopus. A content coverage agreement needs to be in place before we can start adding the content to If you are the publisher, please do not send us your content yet unless requested by our Source Collection Management department.
Yours sincerely,
Scopus Title Evaluation Support