Conference Program: the 6th annual meeting of
the Asian Law and
Economics Association
23– 24 August, UIBE, Beijing
Version: 06 August 2010
Note: The last speaker of each session will be the
Chair of the session.
August 22 (Sunday)
18:00 –20:00 Registrations and Reception, GeHua New Century Hotel Beijing.
August 23 (Monday)
8:00 – 8:40 Registration
8:40 – 9:00 Opening ceremony and Welcoming
9:00 – 10:00
Keynote Speech I: The Origin,
Nature, and Promise of Empirical Legal Studies
Speaker: Theodore Eisenberg (Cornell University£©
10:00-10:30 Photo and tea break
10:30 – 12:00 Parallel
Session I (9 papers):
Session I-A (3 papers):
Institutional Economics of
co-operation and the Political Economy of Trust
Vargas-Hernández, José G., Centro Universitario
de Ciencias Económico Administrativas Universidad de Guadalajara
The Principal-Agent
Problem in the Villagers¡¯ Self-governance ——Based on the Common Agency Model
Wei, Jian, Shandong University
From the Doi Moi to
the WTO: Economic Liberalization and the Growth of the Vietnamese Law Market
Speaker: Pelsinger, Shawn, New York University and the National
University of Singapore
Session I-B(3 papers): Corporate Law
Law and Finance: The
Case of Stock Market Development in China
Speaker: Zhang, Zhong,
University Sheffield
Measuring Reputational
Penalties – The Case of US Illegal Insider Trading
Speaker: Engelen,
Peter-Jan, Utrecht University and Tjalling C.
Koopmans Research Institute
©÷ The Effect of Price Limits on
Price Discovery in China¡¯s Stock Market
Speaker: Xu, Yiping, University of International Business and Economics
Session I-C(3 papers): Contract and Tort Law
©÷ The
Development of a Coherent European Economic Policy in the Field of External
Speaker: Chaisse, Julien, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Speaker: Tsai, Chang-Hsien,
National Tsing Hua
Speaker: Chan, Felix W.H., The University of Hong Kong and Chan,
Wai-sum, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 15:00 Parallel Sessions II(11 papers)
Session II-A (4
papers): Property Law
©÷ Land rights insecurity and
structural change: Efficiency and distributive issues,
Speaker: Vendryes, Thomas, Paris School of Economics (PSE),
French Center for Research on Contemporary China (CEFC)
©÷ Tragedy
of the Commons" Revisited,
Speaker: Kim, Jeong-Yoo, Kyung Hee
©÷ The Inefficiency of the
Accession Doctrine: With A Response to Prof. Thomas Merrill,
Speaker: Chang, Yun-chien, Academia Sinica
in Taiwan
Speaker: Wu, Richard, the University of Hong Kong
Session II-B (3
papers): Institution
Short-Run Strategies For
Attracting Foreign Direct Investment,
Speaker: Az¢¥emar, C¢¥eline,
University of Glasgow
The Road to
Liberalization- Regulation in the China and Indian Stock Markets,
Speaker: Wang, Chaoyan, York University
Speaker: Gopalakrishnan, B., Axis Bank Ltd. India
Session II-C(3 papers): Litigation Procedure
©÷ The Impact of Distributional
Preferences on (Experimental) Markets for Expert Services
Speaker: Dulleck, Uwe, Queensland
University of Technology
©÷ Ex-ante or Ex-post
Expectation Damages? The Case of Costly Litigation
Liu, Zhiyong, Georgia State University
Adversarial versus
Inquisitorial Testimony
Speaker: Emons, Winand, Universitaet Bern and CEPR
15:00-15:30 Tea
15:30 – 16:30 Keynote
speech II: Helmut
Bester (Free University of Berlin)
16:30 – 17:00 General Assembly, and introduction about the Asian Journal of Law
and Economics
18:00 – 20:00 Conference Dinner
August 24 (Tuesday)
8:30 – 10:00
Parallel Sessions III(9 papers)
Session III-A(3 papers): Organization Theory
Transfer of
Authority within Hierarchy
Liang, Pinghan, Southwestern University of Finance
and Economics
©÷ How Can We Prevent
Organizational Accidents? A Managerial Analysis
Speaker: Shimizu,
Takashi, The University of Tokyo
©÷ Opportunistic Partnership Dissolution with
Li, Jianpei, University of International Business and
Session III-B (3
papers): Institution
©÷ The Institutional Foundations of
Economic Change in Turkey
Speaker: Çetin, Tamer, Zonguldak Karaelmas University
©÷ The Internationalization of
Asian Firms in Europe, Stake of Development and Strategy for Innovation
Speaker: Seethanen, Satchidanand,
University of La Réunion
©÷ Globalization and Gender Wage Inequality:
Evidence from China
Speaker: Ge, Ying, University of International Business and
Session III-C(3 papers): Anti-trust law
©÷ The Readiness of the Class
Action as an Anti-monopoly Enforcement Device in China
Speaker: Xue, Ying, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
©÷ The Japanese Leniency Program:
Pro-Cartel or Anti-Cartel?
Speaker: Uytsel, Steven Van, Kyushu University
©÷ Law and Economics of Mergers
under Competition Law: A Comparative Analysis of USA, EU and India
Sharma, Avinash, Indian Law Institute
10:00-10:30 Tea Break
10:30 – 12:00
Parallel Sessions IV(9 papers)
Session IV-A(3 papers): Institution
Speaker: Aoki,
Takaaki, Kyoto University
©÷ Fraud Cycle
Gong, Jiong, University of International Business and
Investor Protection
and Ownership Decentralization
Speaker: Gu, Zhihui,
Nankai University
Session IV-B(3 papers): Litigation Procedure
©÷ Legal
Specificity: Evidence from adoption of UNIDROIT Conventions
Speaker: Zasu, Yoshinobu, Kansai
On the Problems of
Economic Evidence in Korean Antitrust Litigation
Speaker: Ju, Jinyul, Pusan National
©÷ Puzzles in the Legislation
of "Financial Leasing Law" in China
Shi, Yanping, University of International Business
and Economics
Session IV-C(3 papers): Commercial Law
Vietnam¡¯s Draft Law
on Commercial Arbitration: Has Vietnam Caught Up?
Speaker: Pelsinger,
Shawn, New York University and the National University of Singapore
On Consumers' Freedom of Choice:
Lessons from the Cellular Market
Speaker: Ayal, Adi, Bar Ilan University
Tax Reform in 1925 in
Okazaki, Masahiko, Historical Sociology (Freelanace)
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:30
Parallel Sessions V(9 papers)
Session V-A (3 papers):
Anti-trust Law
©÷ Monopolization via Voluntary
Network Effects
Speaker: Ayal, Adi, Bar Ilan
©÷ Regulation of Dominants'
Conducts under the new Malaysian Competition Act
Speaker: Lee, John HK, Monash University
©÷ China's anti-trust dilemma: administrative
monopoly in industrial competition
Speaker: Qiao,
Yue, Shandong University
Session V-B (3 papers):
Property Law
Mosel, Malte, Max-Planck Institute for Intellectual
Property, Competition and Tax Law
Intellectual Property
and Regulation of New Technologies, A Case of Television on Demand in Japan
Speaker: Hazucha, Branislav, Hokkaido
Adding to the Patent
Thicket - Over-patenting as a strategic device
Speaker: Dulleck, Uwe, Queensland
University of Technology
Session V-C(3 papers): Corporate Law
Do Rules Really Rule? Longitudinal
Case Study on the Behavior of Board Members at BMW Corporation
Speaker: Manaa, Monia, Max Planck
Institute for Research on Collective Goods
Watanabe, Mariko, Area Studies Centre, IDE
©÷ The European Company (SE)– practical failure or model for other supranational
company types?
Schmidt, Jessica, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena
Tea Break
– 16:00 Keynote Speech III: The Law and Economics of Legal
Speaker: Nuno Garoupa,
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
16:00-16:30 Closing Ceremony
17:00-20:00 Farewell Drinks
25 August, 2010(Wednesday)
8:00-16:00 Tour to the Great wall and the
Ming Tomb (Optional)